I just had my Birthday recently and let me tell you getting older makes you realize a lot more about yourself and the world. I did a similar post years ago and I thought I’d do an updated one, this time I hope that I’m wiser and have much more life experiences under my belt 😉
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STILL A BABY. No matter how old I get, learning does not stop. I don’t pretend to be a master of anything, maybe just an experienced person as that’s just how it is as you live more life and have more Birthdays. I always try to learn something new from different people as I am a naturally curious person. I also believe that knowledge is definitely power.

DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS. When social media entered my life, as a Millennial, I had lived a full life without it. I didn’t own a cellphone until I could afford it and for awhile it was only Google and Blogs and celebrities. Then came Facebook and Instagram and all the others. Suddenly everyone’s life is within reach and everyone seems to be living the “perfect” life. As I got older and began using it as much as this blog, it has affected me more than others. Seeing my peers all the time in all perfect hair and lighting and trips makes one think and maybe even feel inferior at times if you’re not living that “life.” Well I’m here to tell you, life is not perfect and while those pictures/moments may be, it is not always the case behind the scenes.

BE COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN. I used to have so many insecurities when I was younger (I still do just like everyone else). But being in my 30’s I feel like these are small things compared to bigger things in life. As a nurse who deals with life and death, health is an absolute priority, which includes your mental health. While my looks are not always perfect, if I have my health and peace of mind (not always fyi) I feel like everything else is just water under the bridge 😉

LIFE IS HARD, BALANCE IS OVERRATED, YOU CAN’T HAVE EVERYTHING. I feel like this pertains to what we see on TV or social media where other people particularly celebrities may seem like they have everything figured out. Well you guessed it, no one has everything all at once. Maybe in material wealth, but other intangibles like integrity, peace of mind, resilience and others are traits money definitely can’t buy.

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO WILL HELP YOU GROW. When I was younger, I always thought the more “friends” I had the better. But now I know that it’s not the quantity of people around you, but the actual people who are there for you in times of need, or even without you asking them to be there.

MOST OF THE TIME, IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD. I’m sure you have felt is, when you think people are just out there to judge you and look at every single thing you do. I am too often guilty of feeling this way, making myself feel inferior to others. In this decade of my life, I realized that people have their own problems too, if not more than my own. And they are busier than I am, thinking about their lives than meddle with mine.

WHATEVER YOU GIVE TO THE WORLD, YOU WILL RECEIVE, IF NOT MORE. The universe will give you what you give out to others. It may not be immediate, but you definitely reap what you sow. I’m a firm believer of karma where you will eventually get what you deserve. Like attracts like, so I’m choosing to spread kindness and positivity to the world! 🤗
These are just some of many lessons that life has to offer. I sure hope I learn more as time goes by 😉 Here’s to hoping that more years to life equals more wisdom and growth. Thanks for reading! 😍❤️